provides comfortable living and hostel facilities for all residents who live in Cahaya Kasih Bestari Caring Center with a conducive surrounding

Supply all the donations received not just for underprivileged children living in Bestari Caring Center but also given to orphans and asnaf zakat living with their families in an environment close to the hostel under the association

All the information for a donation, please click on this link: DONATIONS

Establishing Cahaya Kasih Bestari Putera/Puteri Club for the middle-aged kids and Anak-anak Cahaya Kasih Bestari Club for the young kids that handle and manage co-curiculum activities,handling student economy project,performance.

Provide counseling service to parent,guard and heir that faced problem which include social problem,pressure,financial and others.

Providing skills such as IT, creative skills, writing, stitching, cooking, culture to the kids.


  • Financial resources Cahaya Kasih Bestari comes from individual donations and corporate bodies.

  • Thanks to God, the results of this donation was used to fund operations:
    1. Pusat Jagaan Cahaya Bestari

  • Cahaya Kasih Bestari governed by a volunteer committee and the daily operations of orphanages and boarding straightened out by the staff rewarded / consolation.

  • Energy Coalition staff and volunteers on welfare principle is what drives sustainability Cahaya Kasih Bestari today.